People say that it’s the greatest book on Trump’s language, of all time. Amazing scholarship, frankly. Believe me.
Edited by Norma Mendoza-Denton and Janet McIntosh. Featuring a co-authored chapter by Natasha Shrikant and me called “Fake Alignments”. In our chapter, we examine how Trump uses deft frame shifts to create a veneer of agreement with African American supporters by way of a putatively common enemy, “fake news.”
‘An indispensable resource for anyone troubled by the polarizing and demagogic political discourse of the Trump era, this book illuminates many features of Trumpian rhetoric and shows how its flagrant misrepresentations, fractured syntax, torrential flow, racist metaphors, and misogyny appeal to some people, co-opt others, and prove resistant to critique. If you hope to counter these forms of current political rhetoric, start by understanding how they work – and start here.’ Judith T. Irvine, Edward Sapir Distinguished University Professor Emerita of Linguistic Anthropology, University of Michigan
‘This excellent volume is a ‘must-read‘ for scholars and students alike. The first comprehensive, very well researched and well-argued book which allows insight in to the ‘Trump-phenomenon’; a phenomenon which dominates politics, media and everyday lives in the US and beyond.’ Ruth Wodak, Distinguished Professor and Chair in Discourse Studies, Lancaster University/University Vienna
You can pick up your copy from the publisher’s website.
Also available in other formats on Amazon.